surprised by a smile: a commute made better

This morning I was caught in that nasty rainy-ish weather that makes everybody forget how to drive. I grumbled for miles, put out by the misery of red lights reminding me that my 25 minute commute was going to be more like 45 minutes.

And then, this at a red light:


I didn’t even care that the truck’s owner was looking at me in the rear view mirror while I took picture after picture — trying to get a good shot. He probably thought I was trying to get his tag instead of the best bumper sticker ever.

The message changed my mood immediately.

I’ve been working on a brief talk for my parish this week, and I’ve been reading Mother Teresa’s writings in preparation for delivering a 5-minute reflection. It’s all there, in the smile, and the message. I love that pop culture swipes its copy from the Saints.

Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa

17 thoughts on “surprised by a smile: a commute made better

  1. So many great pictures on your blog! They remind me that there’s a world out there beside my own. Also, thanks for the visit and like on my Ephemeral photos.

  2. Stumbled across your blog and was glad to get this reminder. I’m a Peace Corps Volunteer and am looking for people to help me out with a project for my English class in Mozambique. There’s more info on the Postcard Project tab on my blog. Let me know if you’d be able to help out. Haven’t gotten anything from Georgia yet

      1. Yes, I am always glad when elections are done. I get so tired of all the commercials, bumper stickers and mud slinging. Even if it is deserved. Gets pretty tiresome. Have a great week. And I hope you find more stickers to make you smile. 🙂

  3. And I smiled when I read this post.
    Ah, God always know how to make me smile: by reading this post. Thank you :)).

  4. This made me smile. I love how we find what we need most in such unexpected places. Ha! Had to laugh at the truck driver watching you snap pictures!

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